Inspiration for Excellence

Best Calls to Action to Promote Mobile App on Landing Pages

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A call to action (CTA) is essential for directly engaging users with a mobile app, whether through a clear message or a digital interaction like a button tap on a landing page. In the design of these pages, CTAs are critical, often emphasized through dynamically designed buttons and concise messages. These features are key in directing users towards actions that are advantageous for the app, such as downloads or sign-ups.

The impact of a well-crafted CTA cannot be overstated—it determines the success of a landing page. A compelling call to action grabs the user's attention as soon as they arrive, offering them a simple choice: to engage or not. This pivotal decision is crucial in driving app installations and user engagement.

In this article, we explore a methodical review of various app promotion landing pages, assessing their effectiveness based on the design and placement of their CTAs. Our analysis, based on rigorous methodologies and empirical data, employs the Act Score to quantify CTA effectiveness. By utilizing predictive eye-tracking technology, examining the sequence of exposure to the CTA, and evaluating the design's usability, we can determine how effectively these CTAs convert visitors into active users. This systematic approach provides valuable insights for enhancing user interaction and optimizing conversion strategies on landing pages.

Landing Pages with the Best Design

Explore our curated collection of Mobile App landing pages, meticulously ranked based on the Scan Score, which evaluates how effectively users can scan and comprehend both the visual and textual content of a webpage. Influenced by layout clarity, visual hierarchy, content organization, and readability, a high Scan Score indicates a webpage that is visually appealing and easy to understand at first glance, enhancing user engagement and navigation efficiency.


Fluz Landing Page
The Fluz Landing Page is getting 86/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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VodaPay Rewards Landing Page
The VodaPay Rewards Landing Page is getting 86/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Coles Express

Shell Coles Express App Landing Page
The Shell Coles Express App Landing Page is getting 85/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Gusto Wallet Mobile App Landing Page
The Gusto Wallet Mobile App Landing Page is getting 85/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page
The Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page is getting 85/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Revolut Landing Page
The Revolut Landing Page is getting 83/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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LEX Reception

LEX Reception Mobile App Landing Page
The LEX Reception Mobile App Landing Page is getting 83/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Ark7 App Landing Page
The Ark7 App Landing Page is getting 82/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Mobile Landing Pages with the Best Design


The Fluz Landing Page is getting 81/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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VodaPay Rewards
The VodaPay Rewards Landing Page is getting 81/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Coles Express

Shell Coles Express App
The Shell Coles Express App Landing Page is getting 80/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Discord Mobile Experience
The Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page is getting 80/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Gusto Wallet Mobile App
The Gusto Wallet Mobile App Landing Page is getting 79/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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LEX Reception

LEX Reception Mobile App
The LEX Reception Mobile App Landing Page is getting 78/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Ark7 App
The Ark7 App Landing Page is getting 76/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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The Revolut Landing Page is getting 74/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Landing Pages with the Most Effective CTA

Explore our curated collection of Mobile App landing pages, meticulously ranked based on CTA effectiveness. These exemplary cases stem from our extensive UX benchmarking process.


Ark7 App Landing Page
The Ark7 App Landing Page with the CTA button "Get the App" is getting 95/100 (Act Score) on the desktop version.
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Coles Express

Shell Coles Express App Landing Page
The Shell Coles Express App Landing Page with the CTA button "Download iOS App" is getting 93/100 (Act Score) on the desktop version.
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Revolut Landing Page
The Revolut Landing Page with the CTA button "Get the app" is getting 93/100 (Act Score) on the desktop version.
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Gusto Wallet Mobile App Landing Page
The Gusto Wallet Mobile App Landing Page with the CTA button "Download on the App Store" is getting 92/100 (Act Score) on the desktop version.
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Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page
The Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page with the CTA button "Learn more" is getting 92/100 (Act Score) on the desktop version.
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VodaPay Rewards Landing Page
The VodaPay Rewards Landing Page with the CTA button "Get the app" is getting 89/100 (Act Score) on the desktop version.
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LEX Reception

LEX Reception Mobile App Landing Page
The LEX Reception Mobile App Landing Page with the CTA button "Get IOS app" is getting 75/100 (Act Score) on the desktop version.
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Fluz Landing Page
The Fluz Landing Page with the CTA button "Get Fluz" is getting 71/100 (Act Score) on the desktop version.
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Mobile Landing Pages with the Most Effective CTA


FluzEye-Tracking Overview
The Fluz Landing Page with the CTA button "Get Fluz" is getting 93/100 (Act Score) on the mobile version.
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Ark7 AppEye-Tracking Overview
The Ark7 App Landing Page with the CTA button "Get the App" is getting 89/100 (Act Score) on the mobile version.
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RevolutEye-Tracking Overview
The Revolut Landing Page with the CTA button "Get the app" is getting 89/100 (Act Score) on the mobile version.
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Gusto Wallet Mobile AppEye-Tracking Overview
The Gusto Wallet Mobile App Landing Page with the CTA button "Download on the App Store" is getting 82/100 (Act Score) on the mobile version.
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Discord Mobile ExperienceEye-Tracking Overview
The Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page with the CTA button "Learn more" is getting 79/100 (Act Score) on the mobile version.
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Coles Express

Shell Coles Express AppEye-Tracking Overview
The Shell Coles Express App Landing Page with the CTA button "Download iOS App" is getting 77/100 (Act Score) on the mobile version.
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LEX Reception

LEX Reception Mobile AppEye-Tracking Overview
The LEX Reception Mobile App Landing Page with the CTA button "Get IOS app" is getting 74/100 (Act Score) on the mobile version.
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VodaPay RewardsEye-Tracking Overview
The VodaPay Rewards Landing Page with the CTA button "Get the app" is getting 52/100 (Act Score) on the mobile version.
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CTA Best Practices for App Download Landing Pages

Optimizing Calls to Action (CTAs) on landing pages designed for mobile app downloads is crucial for maximizing user engagement and conversion rates:

  • Visually Striking Design: Design your CTAs with bold, contrasting colors that stand out but still complement the overall design of your landing page. This ensures they catch the user’s eye immediately.
  • Clear and Direct Communication: Use straightforward CTAs like "Download Now" or "Install App," which directly convey the action you want users to take.
  • Action-Oriented Language: Employ verbs that inspire immediate action, such as "Get," "Start," or "Access," to drive users towards downloading the app.
  • Highlight Benefits: Emphasize the advantages of downloading the app with CTAs like "Download and Start Saving Today" or "Install Now to Streamline Your Tasks," linking the action directly to user benefits.
  • Create Urgency and Scarcity: Use time-sensitive phrases like "Download Today for Exclusive Access" or "Limited-Time Offer – Download Now" to instill a sense of urgency.
  • Strategic Placement: Position CTAs prominently on the page, ideally above the fold and at strategic points throughout the site, ensuring visibility and convenience for users.
  • Optimize for Mobile Users: Ensure that CTAs are easily clickable, well-sized, and visually clear on mobile devices, considering the high number of users who may access the landing page via smartphones or tablets.

By adhering to these CTA best practices, your landing page can effectively encourage more downloads and engage users efficiently, turning visits into valuable app engagements.

Mobile Landing Pages with the Best Design


FluzEye-Tracking Overview
The Fluz Landing Page is getting 81/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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VodaPay RewardsEye-Tracking Overview
The VodaPay Rewards Landing Page is getting 81/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Coles Express

Shell Coles Express AppEye-Tracking Overview
The Shell Coles Express App Landing Page is getting 80/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Discord Mobile ExperienceEye-Tracking Overview
The Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page is getting 80/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Gusto Wallet Mobile AppEye-Tracking Overview
The Gusto Wallet Mobile App Landing Page is getting 79/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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LEX Reception

LEX Reception Mobile AppEye-Tracking Overview
The LEX Reception Mobile App Landing Page is getting 78/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Ark7 AppEye-Tracking Overview
The Ark7 App Landing Page is getting 76/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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RevolutEye-Tracking Overview
The Revolut Landing Page is getting 74/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
Learn more from this case study


Throughout this article, we have highlighted outstanding Mobile App landing pages that exemplify the effective integration of design and content clarity, all evaluated through the precise lens of the Scan Score. By following best practices, these landing pages not only serve as beacons of visual and textual mastery but also establish standards for user-friendly digital experiences.

Eager to discover actionable insights and elevate your digital strategy with a focus on first impressions and content discovery? Evaluate your own landing pages to identify opportunities for improvement and optimization. Adopt a new perspective on user engagement and watch your interactions soar. Explore our unique assessment process and take the first step towards digital excellence today.


Throughout this article, we've explored exemplary landing pages that demonstrate the power of well-crafted CTAs, all underpinned by rigorous data and scientific methodology. By adhering to best practices tailored to Mobile App, these landing pages not only serve as a source of inspiration but also set benchmarks for successful digital engagement.

Curious to get insights from a new and pragmatic way to elevate your digital strategy? Assess your own landing pages to uncover hidden opportunities for growth and refinement. Embrace a fresh perspective on conversion rate optimization and watch your results transform. Learn more about our unique assessment process and begin your journey to digital excellence today.

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